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Why we love our pets

Do you know why we have such a strong attachment to our pets? It goes deeper and purer than just being a member of the family.

dog and cat

It’s probably easy for many people to answer this question: why do we love our pets so much? Because they are the best in the world, they make us happy every day, and they are a part of our family… I’m sure you feel this way if you have a dog, a cat, or another animal in your home.

But science has a response or three better put, that explains far better why we feel so connected to our pets.

According to therapist Jason N. Linder, there are three main reasons why we care so much about our pets, and why we may even feel that we care more about animals than people at times.

To begin, pets, particularly dogs, help us improve our self-esteem. One of their main characteristics is that they connect with us, sometimes even more than we connect with people. Linder explains that our pets can read our emotional states and are always there for us if we want them. They make us feel significant, which is something very special and necessary.

Mascotas are also pure beings. We know there are no lies with them, that they want and support us unconditionally, that they will not forsake us (like many owners do, sadly), and that we can always count on them. Is there anything better than that?

We connect with our pets through our emotions, which makes this connection much deeper than it is with people. As a result, dogs are an invaluable resource for those who are dealing with trauma.

Finally, we would like to have a pure, unconditional, and honest relationship with other people, but it is often impossible to achieve. Mascotas, in their own way, understand us, do not judge us, and demonstrate empathy, for which we are grateful.

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